2025 Recent Rides


Other Years

2/11 – 1st Ave. NW to 73rd to Greenlake PBL (counter-clockwise) X-3 to Green Lake / Stone Way to 50th to Phinney to 60th and home on 1st NW.  Here’s the map.  14 miles on the studded Rodriguez

2/10 – 1st Ave. NW to 83rd to Greenlake PBL (counter-clockwise) X-3 to Green Lake / Stone Way to 50th / rose garden bridge to Phinney to 60th and home on 1st NW.  Here’s the map.  15 miles on the studded Rodriguez

2/9 – 1st Ave. NW to 73rd to Winona to Stone Way to Greenlake PBL (counter-clockwise) X-3 to Wallingford to 92nd to College / Meridian to 122nd / Densmore to 125th to Interurban to 83rd to Greenwood / Phinney to 62nd and home on 1st NW.  Here’s the map.  17 miles on the studded Rodriguez

2/8 – 1st Ave. NW to 73rd to Winona to Green Lake PBL (clockwise) to Ravenna to University to R+E.  Home via 83rd.  Here’s the map.  7 miles on the studded Rodriguez

2/8 – 1st Ave. NW to 73rd to Winona to Stone Way to Greenlake PBL (counter-clockwise) X-2 to Green Lake / Stone Way to 50th / rose garden bridge to Phinney to 60th and home on 1st NW.  Here’s the map.  11 miles on the studded Rodriguez

2/7 – 1st Ave. NW to 83rd to Greenlake PBL (counter-clockwise) to Green Lake Drive N. to 83rd to Greenwood / Phinney to 62nd and home on 1st NW.  Here’s the map.  8 miles on the studded Rodriguez

2/5 – Interurban to 92nd to Wallingford to Green Lake PBL (anti-clockwise) X 3 to Green Lake Way to 50th to Phinney to 60th and home on 1st NW. Here’s the map.  16 miles on the studded Rodriguez

2/4 – 1st Ave. NW to 83rd to 8th to Burke Gilman to Brooklyn to 41st to 11th to Ravenna to Greenlake PBL (counter-clockwise) X-2 to Green Lake Drive to 83rd to Greenwood / Phinney to 62nd and home on 1st NW.  Here’s the map.  18 miles on the Fuji

2/3 – Interurban to 92nd to Wallingford to Green Lake PBL (clockwise) X 2 to Green Lake Way  Stone Way to 46th to Whitman to 50th to Phinney to 60th and home on 1st NW. Here’s the map.  14 miles on the studded Rodriguez

2/2 – 1st Ave. NW to 73rd to Winona to Stone Way to Green Lake PBL (counter-clockwise) X 1 to Green Lake Drive / Stone Way to 34th  to Burke Gilman to 8th to 92nd to 1st NW to 100th to Fremont to 83rd to Greenwood / Phinney to 62nd and home on 1st NW.  Here’s the map.  15 miles on the Fuji

2/1 – 1st Ave. NW to 73rd to 8th to 80th to Loyal and down the hill in Golden Gardens.  Burke Gilman to 34th to Wallingford to 46th to Meridian to Kenwood to Greenlake PBL (counter-clockwise) X-2 to Green Lake Drive to 83rd to Greenwood / Phinney to 62nd and home on 1st NW.  Here’s the map.  21 miles on the Fuji

1/31 – Interurban to 92nd to Meridian to NSCC bridge / 100th to 5th to 105th to 8th to Northgate to Pinehurst to 115th to 28th to 110th to 39th to 105th / 104th to 45th to 94th to the Burke Gilman. Ravenna to 58th to 20th to 62nd to Brooklyn  to Ravenna to  Greenlake PBL (anti-clockwise) X 1 to Green Lake DRr. N. to 83rd to Greenwood / Phinney to 62nd and home on 1st NW.    here’s the map.  20 miles on the Centurion

1/30 – Fremont to Burke Gilman to University Bridge to Harvard to Interlaken to 19th to the I-90 bridge & trail and the Mercer Island loop.   East Channel Bridge to 108th  to 106th to 30th to 105th to 28th to 104th to Killarney / 100th to  7th to 101st to Main to Lake Washington Blvd. to 12th to 84th to the  520  bridge.  Montlake to Burke Gilman  to Brooklyn to Ravenna to 65th to 6th to 63rd  to Woodlawn to Kenwood to Green Lake PBL (Clockwise) to 63rd  to Woodland to 60th  and home on 1st NW.  Here’s the map.  37 miles on the Rodriguez

1/29 – Interurban to 92nd to Meridian to NSCC bridge / 100th to 5th to 105th to 8th to Northgate to Roosevelt / Pinehurst to 35th to 25th to 147th to 27th to 155th to 33rd to 156th to  37th to 165th to the Burke Gilman.   Riverside to 175th to Wilmot Gateway to Sammamish River Trail to Leary to the  520 trail.  Montlake to  Burke Gilman to Brooklyn to Campus Parkway / 40th to 5th to 42nd to Latona to 44th to Meridian to 50th to Phinney to 60th and home on 1st NW.    here’s the map.  38 miles on the Fuji

1/28 – Fremont to Dexter to Bell to Elliott to Alaska Way / Waterfront Trail to East Marginal Way to Spokane St. to West Marginal Way / Duwamish Trail to 112th to East Marginal Way to 115th to 124th to 129th and over I-5 to Langston to 3rd to  Shattuck to Lake Washington loop (clockwise)  on the Arboretum trail.  Montlake to Burke Gilman  to Brooklyn to Campus Parkway / 40th to 5th to 42nd to Latona to 44th to  Wallingford to 45th / 46th to Whitman  to 50th to Phinney to 59th to Greenwood to 60th  and home on 1st NW.      Here’s the map   40 miles on the  Rodriguez

1/27 – 1st Ave. NW to 73rd to 8th to 80th to Loyal and down the hill in Golden Gardens. Burke Gilman to Brookside to Perkins  to Interurban trail to Fremont to 83rd to Green Lake Drive N. to Green Lake PBL (anti-clockwise) X-1 to Green Lake Way to 50th to  Phinney to 60th and home on 1st NW. – Here’s the map. 37 Miles on the Rodriguez

1/26 – Fremont to Burke Gilman to 520 trail to 154th / 152nd to Old Redmond / 70th to Lakeview to  Lake Washington Loop Route  (clockwise) to the  520 trail.    Montlake to Burke Gilman  to Brooklyn to Campus Parkway / 40th to 5th to 42nd to Latona to 44th  to Meridian  to 50th to Phinney to 60th and home on 1st NW.  Here’s the map.  31 miles on the Rodriguez

1/25 – Interurban to  92nd to NSCC bridge / 100th to 5th to 105th to  8th to Northgate to Pinehurst / 15th to 135th   to 25th to 147th to 27th to 155th to 33rd to 156th to  37th to Brookside  to  Lake Forest Park connectorto 23rd  / Lago to 196th to 19th / 56th to 230th / 228th to 68th to 226th to Interurban to 83rd to Green Lake Dr. N. to Green Lake PBL (anti-clockwise) X-1  to Green Lake Way to 50th  to Phinney to 60th   and home on 1st NW.  here’s the map.   28 miles on the Rodriguez

1/24 – Fremont to Burke Gilman to 520 trail to Microsoft bridge to 156th to 40th  to W Lake Sammamish Parkway  to Newport Way to 153rd to 138th / 136th to 142nd to Bellevue Community College to 145th / 140th to the   520 trail.    Montlake to  Burke Gilman to Brooklyn to Campus Parkway / 40th to 5th to 42nd to Latona to 44th to Meridian to 50th  to Phinney to 60th and home on 1st NW.   Here’s the map.  43 miles on the  Fuji

1/23 – Fremont to Burke Gilman to University Bridge to Harvard to Shelby to Broadway and through Roanoke park to Delmar.  Interlaken / 19th to the I-90 trail to Hiawatha to Dearborn to 4th to Blanchard to 7th / Dexter to  34th to Burke Gilman to 8th to 92nd to 1st NW to 100th to College to 92nd to Wallingford to Green Lake PBL (anti-clockwise) X1 to Green Lake Dr. N to 83rd to Greenwood / Phinney to 62nd and home on 1st NW.  here’s the map.  28 miles on the Centurion

1/22 – R+E  on University to Ravenna to Green Lake PBL (anti-clockwise) to Green Lake Dr. N to 83rd to Greenwood / Phinney to 62nd and home on 1st NW.  here’s the map.  4 miles on the newly painted tandem

1/22 – Interurban to 92nd to College to NSCC bridge / 100th to 5th to 105th to  8th to Northgate to Pinehurst to 15th to 135th to 25th to 147th to 27th to 155th to 33rd to 156th to  37th to 165th to the Burke Gilman to Waynita Dr. / 100th  to Simonds to Juanita Way to  Burke Gilman to Brookside to Lake Forest Park connector to Interurban trail to Fremont to 83rd to  Greenwood / Phinney to 62nd  and home on 1st NW.    here’s the map.    30 miles on the Centurion

1/21 – Interurban trail to I-5 crossing at Maple, Butternut to Filbert to Locust / 61st to Logboom. Burke Gilman to Brookside to Perkins  to Interurban trail to Fremont to 83rd  to  Greenwood / Phinney to 62nd and home on 1st NW.   here’s the map.  33 miles on the Rodriguez

1/20 – Fremont to Burke Gilman to University Bridge to Harvard to Interlaken to 19th to the I-90 bridge to Mercer Island to East Channel Bridge to -90  trail to 142nd and through Bellevue Community College to 145th / 140th to the 520 trail.  Montlake to Burke Gilman  to  Brooklyn to Campus Parkway / 40th to 5th to 42nd to Latona to 44th to Wallingford to 45th / 46th to Whitman  to 50th to Phinney to 60th  and  home on 1st NW.    here’s the map.    34 miles on the Rodriguez

1/19 – Fremont to Burke Gilman to University Bridge to Harvard to Interlaken / 19th to the I-90 trail to 18tto Hanford to Lafayette to Spokane to 16th to Oregon to 15th to Angeline to Chief Sealth Trail to Othello.    Lake Washington loop (clockwise through the Arboretum) to Montlake to Burke Gilman to Brooklyn to Campus Parkway / 40th to 5th to 42nd to Latona to 44th  to Meridian  to 50th to Phinney to 60th and home on 1stAve. NW.   Here’s the map.  29 miles on the Rodriguez

1/18 – Fremont to Burke Gilman to 520 trail to 154th / 152nd to Old Redmond / 70th to Lakeview to  Lake Washington Loop Route  (clockwise) to the  520 trail.    Montlake to Burke Gilman  to Brooklyn to Campus Parkway / 40th to 5th to 42nd to Latona to 44th  to Meridian  to 50th to Phinney to 60th and home on 1st NW.  Here’s the map.  31 miles on the Rodriguez

1/17 – 1st Ave. NW to 73rd to 8th to 80th to Loyal and down the hill in Golden Gardens. Burke Gilman to Brookside to Perkins  to Interurban trail to Fremont to 100th  to  Greenwood / Phinney to 62nd and home on 1st NW. – Here’s the map.  32 Miles on the Fuji

1/16 – Fremont to Burke Gilman to 520 trail  to Evergreen Point Rd. to 24th to 84th to 12th to 1st to Lake Washington Blvd to 102nd to 6th to Bellevue Way to 104th to 28th to 105th to 30th to 106th to 34th to the I-90  trail to East Channel Bridge to Mercer Island to the I-90  bridge / trail to Judkins Park to Nye to 20th to Fir to 19th /  Interlaken to Delmar to Roanoke Park to Broadway to Shelby to Harvard  to the University Bridge to 11th to Ravenna to Green Lake PBL (anti-clockwise) X 1 to Green Lake Drive N to 83rd  to Greenwood / Phinney to 62nd and home on 1st NW.   Here’s the map.  34 miles on the Fuji

1/15 – Interurban to 92nd to College to NSCC bridge / 100th to 5th to 105th to  8th to Northgate to Pinehurst / 15th to 135th to 25th to 147th to 27th to 155th to 33rd to 156th to  37th to 165th to the  Lake Washington Loop Route  (clockwise) to the  520 trail.  Montlake to  Burke Gilman to Brooklyn to 41st to 11th to Ravenna to Green Lake PBL (anti-clockwise) X 1 to Green Lake Drive N to 83rd to Greenwood / Phinney to 62nd and home on 1st NW.   Here’s the map.  35 miles on the Rodriguez

1/14 – Fremont to Burke Gilman to University Bridge to Harvard to Interlaken to 19th to the I-90 bridge & trail and the Mercer Island loop.   East Channel Bridge to 108th  to 106th to 30th to 105th to 28th to 104th to Killarney / 100th to  7th to 101st to Main to Lake Washington Blvd. to 12th to 84th to the  520  bridge.  Montlake to Burke Gilman  to Brooklyn to Campus Parkway / 40th to 5th to 42nd to Latona to 44th  to Meridian  to 50th  to Phinney to 60th and home on 1st NW.  Here’s the map.  37 miles on the Fuji

1/13 – 1st NW to 83rd to Dayton to 107th to Fremont to Interurban trail to Lakeview Trail to 65th / 66th to 228th / 230th  to  56th  / 19th to 195th / Lago to Perkins to 25th to 178th  to Brookside to the Burke Gilman to 8th  to 92nd to 1st NW to 100th  to Fremont to 83rd to Greenwood / Phinney to 62nd and home on 1st NW.  Here’s the map.  35 miles on the Fuji

1/12 – Interurban to 92nd to College to NSCC bridge / 100th to 5th to 105th to  8th to Northgate to Pinehurst to 15th to 135th to 25th to 147th to 27th to 155th to 33rd to 156th to  37th to 165th to the Burke Gilman to Riverside to 175th / Woodinville-Duvall to Old Woodinville-Duvall to 132nd to Trilogy Ridge to Novelty Hill to Avondale to Avondale Place to Bear Creek Trail to Leary to the 520 trail.   Montlake to  Burke Gilman to Brooklyn to Campus Parkway / 40th to 5th to 42nd to Latona to 44th to Meridian  to 50th to Phinney to 60th  and  home on 1st NW.    here’s the map.    49 miles on the Rodriguez

1/11 – Fremont to the Burke Gilman to Montlake to the 520 trail to 116thth to 70thth to 132nd / 120th to Slater to 124th to Sammamish River Trail to Burke Gilman to Brookside to Lake Forest Park connector to Interurban to Fremont to 83rd to Greenwood / Phinney to  62nd and home on 1st NW.  Here’s the map.  41 miles on the Fuji

1/10 – Interurban to 92nd to College to NSCC bridge / 100th to 5th to 105th to  8th to Northgate to Pinehurst to 15th to 135th to 25th to 147th to 27th to 155th to 33rd to 156th to  37th to 165th to the Burke Gilman to Lake Washington Loop Route  (clockwise) to 153rd / 155th to Simonds to Juanita Way to  Burke Gilman to Brookside to Lake Forest Park connector to Interurban trail to Fremont to 100th to  Greenwood / Phinney to 62nd  and home on 1st NW.    here’s the map.    28 miles on the fuji

1/9 –  Interurban to 212th / Larch to Oak to Vine to Locust to Lockwood / 73rd to Burke Gilman to Waynita / 100th to  Lake Washington loop (clockwise) to 520 trail.    Montlake to  Burke Gilman to Ravena to 158th to 20th to 162nd to Brooklyn to Ravenna to Green Lake PBL (anti-clockwise) X 1 to Green Lake Drive N to 83rd to Greenwood / Phinney to 62nd and home on 1st NW.   here’s the map.  42 miles on the Rodriguez

1/8 – Fremont to Burke Gilman to University Bridge to Harvard to Interlaken / 19th to the I-90 trail to 18tto Hanford to Lafayette to Spokane to 16th to Oregon to 15th to Angeline to Chief Sealth Trail to Othello.    Lake Washington loop (clockwise through the Arboretum on the trail) to Montlake to  Burke Gilman to Brooklyn to Ravenna to Green Lake PBL (anti-clockwise) X 1 to Green Lake Drive to 83rd to Greenwood/ Phinney to 62nd and home on 1stAve. NW.   Here’s the map.  34 miles on the Fuji

1/7 – Fremont to Burke Gilman to 520 trail to Microsoft bridge to 156th to 40th  to W Lake Sammamish Parkway  to Sammamish Rd  to E Lake Sammamish trail to Marymore Connector to Sammamish River Trail to  520 trail.    Montlake to  Burke Gilman to Brooklyn to Campus Parkway / 40th to 5th to 42nd to Latona to 44th to Wallingford to 45th / 46th to Whitman to 50th  to Phinney to 60th and home on 1st NW.   Here’s the map.  53 miles on the  Centurion.

1/6 – 1st Ave. NW to 73rd to 8th to 80th to Loyal and down the hill in Golden Gardens. Burke Gilman to Brookside to Perkins  to Interurban trail to Fremont to 83rd to  Greenwood / Phinney to 62nd and home on 1st NW. – Here’s the map.  32 Miles on the Fuji

1/5 – Fremont to Burke Gilman to University Bridge to Harvard to Interlaken to 19th to the I-90 bridge to Mercer Island to East Channel Bridge to 108th  to 106th to 30th to 105th to 28th to 104th to 25th to 100th / Killarney to 7th to 101st to Main to Lake Washington Blvd. to 12th to 84th to the  520 trail.  Montlake to Burke Gilman  to  Brooklyn to Campus Parkway / 40th to 5th to 42nd to Latona to 44th  to Meridian  to 50th to Phinney to 60th  and  home on 1st NW.    here’s the map.    29 miles on the Fuji

1/4 – Fremont to Burke Gilman to 520 trail to 154th / 152nd to Old Redmond / 70th to Lakeview to  Lake Washington Loop Route  (clockwise) to the  520 trail.    Montlake to Burke Gilman  to Brooklyn to Campus Parkway / 40th to 5th to 42nd to Latona to 44th  to Meridian  to 50th to Phinney to 60th and home on 1st NW.  Here’s the map.  31 miles on the Fuji

1/3 – 1st Ave. NW to 73rd to 8th to 80th to Loyal and down the hill in Golden Gardens.  Burke Gilman to 34th to Wallingford to 46th to Meridian to Kenwood to Greenlake PBL (counter-clockwise) X1 to Green Lake Drive to 83rd to Greenwood / Phinney to 62nd and home on 1st NW.  Here’s the map.  18 miles on the Centurion

1/2 – Fremont to Burke Gilman to University Bridge to Harvard to Shelby to Broadway and through Roanoke park to Delmar.  Interlaken / 19th to the I-90 trail to Hiawatha to Dearborn to 4th to  Jackson to Alaska Way to Myrtle Edwards Park /  Elliott Bay trail to  20th to Gilman to 32nd to the Ballard Locks.   Burke Gilman  to 28th to 58th to 8th to 83rd to Greenwood / Phinney to 62nd and home on 1st NW.  here’s the map.  22 miles on the Fuji.

1/1 – 1st NW to 83rd to Dayton to 107th to Fremont to Interurban trail  to Lakeview Trail to 236th to 56th  / 19th to 195th / Lago to Perkins to the  Burke Gilman to Ravena to 158th to 20th to 162nd to Brooklyn to Ravenna to Green Lake PBL (anti-clockwise) X 1 to Green Lake Way to 83rd to Greenwood / Phinney to 62nd and home on 1st NW.  Here’s the map.  30 miles on the Fuji